Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Genre #1 (Advice Column)

Dear Lucy,
I really want to audition for the school musical, but there is a wee problem. I have EXTREME stage fright. And I am an outgoing girl, but I just can't show that on the stage. What can I do?

Scared from Seattle

Lucy: Well sometimes the stage can be overwhelming, but just think about it like this. People want to see you..thats why they are there. Most of the people ARE your friends and family. Also, you said that you were outgoing, so you already entertain people, just use your natural gift on the stage. And if that doesn't work, just imagine everybody in their underwear. Haha

<3 Lucy Carlyle

Dear Lucy,
I am a guy who has been playing football and basketball FOREVER! But, I want to audition for the school musical. When I was on the team, we used to nag on the drama kids..and now I'm wanting to be one of them. I don't know if I can make the switch from quarterback to cast member.. HELP!

Optional from Ontario

Lucy: Well, it sounds like you have a major "Troy Bolton situation" if you ask me, get it.. Haha.. Anyway, If your friends are really your friends, then they wouldn't care. They should like you not how many touchdowns you make or the three pointer you made to score the winning points against your rival. Hey, you should encourage them to come, maybe they'll paint their faces or something silly like that. Good Luck and Break a leg!

<3 Lucy Carlyle


Holden Caufield said...

this is an AMAZING idea lucy! that's such a cool idea about the advice coulmn! you really have good ideas, and it's refreshing to see something new! i can't wait for the rest!

Blair Waldorf said...

this is an awesome idea! i love how you use an advoce colcumn to show whats happening in your story...its very creative! im excited to see what else you come up with for your paper.

B-Low said...

hey lucay... this is amazing. every part of this genre is perfect. i can tell that u have put alot of tiume and effort in ur essay. your words are very positive and i can tell that u love to be on stage.:)